59 Quotes About Orphan

  • Author John Berger
  • Quote

    I propose a conspiracy of orphans. We exchange winks. We reject hierarchies. All hierarchies. We take the shit of the world for granted and we exchange stories about how we nevertheless get by. We are impertinent. More than half the stars in the universe are orphan-stars belonging to no constellation. And they give off more light than all the constellation stars.

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  • Author Judith Land
  • Quote

    Destiny is not always preordained. Life is about making choices. Our lives are the sum of all the choices we make, the bridges we cross, and the ones we burn. Our souls cast long shadows over many people, even after we are gone. Fate, luck, and providence are the consequence of our freedom of choice, not the determinants. When justice is served by following our principles, making good decisions brings us inner peace.

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  • Author Jean Baudrillard
  • Quote

    The repentant, run-to-seed ultra-Leftists who have converted to humanitarianism, artificial inseminators of the widow and the orphan, themselves orphans of reality and malades imaginaires of politcs, premature ejaculators of posthistory and hypochondriacs from the dead body of ideology and morality.

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  • Author Jason Fry
  • Quote

    An orphan,” he said wearily. “This is my nightmare. A thousand wannabe younglings showing up on my doorstep, hoping they’re the Chosen Whoevers, wanting to know how to lift rocks.

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  • Author Емилиян Станев
  • Quote

    Колко тежки бяха условията, при които израсна нашето поколение! Без бащи, които гинеха по фронта,обути в налъми, въшливи и окъсани, с майки, чиито погледи горяха от мъка и от преумора - жени, изсушени от недояждане и от плач, които не знаеха за какво да се грижат по-напред: за нашето изхранване или за възпитанието ни. Почти всички бяхме станали гамени, тъй като растяхме на улицата, между лагерите на пленниците, в глада, хаоса и корупцията на тая безсмислена война.

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