32 Quotes About Osho
- Author Osho
We will be entering the beautiful world of a Zen master's no-mind. Sosan is the third Zen Patriarch. Nothing much is known about him- this is as it should be, because history records only violence. History does not record silence- it cannot record it. All records are of disturbance. Whenever someone becomes really silent, he disappears from all records, he is no more a part of our madness. So it is as it should be.Ch. 1: The Great Way Is Not Difficult
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- Author Osho
You need not search for uniqueness, you are unique already. There is no way to make a thing more unique. The words “more unique” are absurd. It is just like the word “circle.” Circles exist; there is no such thing as “more circular.” That is absurd. A circle is always perfect, “more” is not needed.
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- Author Osho
Never interfere in anybody´s life and don´t allow anybody to interfere in your life.
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- Author Osho
When somebody on the outside fits with your inner image, you fall in love -- that is the meaning of love.
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- Author Osho
People sometimes ask me , what religion are you ? I always answer by saying, ''Iam a little part of all religions and and a big part of no religion.
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- Author Osho
At the deepest core of your being you are part of eternity, you are not part of time. You exist in time, but you belong to eternity. You are a penetration of eternity into the world of time. You are deathless, living in a body of death. Your consciousness knows no death, no birth. It is only your body that is born and dies. But you are not aware of your consciousness; you are not conscious of your consciousness.
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- Author Osho
This assembly is a Sufi assembly. You are my Sufis, the Sufis of the new age. I am introducing you to the world of love. I am initiating you into the ways of love . . .
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- Author Osho
ადამიანი დაო ☀️ადამიანი,რომელმაც შეიმეცნა დაო,მოქმედებს დაუბრკოლებლად,თავისი მოქმედებებით ზიანს არავის აყენებს,თუმცა არ ფიქრობს,რომ ის კეთილია და ნაზია.ის არ ცდილობს გამდიდრებას და არც სიღარიბეს თვლის სათნოებად.ის თავისი გზით მიდის,არავის იმედად არ არის,და არ ამაყობს იმით,რომ მარტო მიდის.ადამიანი დაო რჩება უცნობად.სრულყოფილი სათნოება არაფერს ქმნის.''არა მე'' - ეს არის ჭეშმარიტი ''მე''.უდიდესი ადამიანი კი - არავინ .
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- Author Osho
I give a fuck if you’re a damn Jew, or a Serbo-Kroat, an American or the devil knows what! – What are your human qualities, if I may ask? – Are you honest? Do you treat your family and friends lovingly and with respect? Are you happy? Or do you exploit other human beings, in order to silence your frustration with the filthy lucre?
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