65 Quotes About Outcast

  • Author Nancy Horan
  • Quote

    Louis suspected each of them, in his or her own way, was an exile – from bourgeois values, family crests, unhappy love affairs, childhoods too long spent in church pews. He wondered if they had started as social outcasts who found the artist’s life an acceptable way to be in the world; or if their passions for painting or sculpting or writing had shaped them into outsiders. He had never been quite sure how the chicken-versus-egg question played out in his own life.

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  • Author J.R.Nyquist
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    Today, as never before, the pariah is the only man with the chance to think for himself. Everyone else is relentlessly compelled by peer pressures. Everyone constantly blackmails everyone. The threat of ostracism easily molds the soft democratic soul into fashionable shapes. The out-of-fashion individual, the outcast (perhaps the only real human being remaining) eats out of some dumpster on the edge of town.-J.R.Nyquist "Origins of the Fourth World War

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  • Author Janna Levin
  • Quote

    His weakness in this game, and in life, is that he's never prepared for how others will act. They are predetermined but too complex to solve or predict, and there are rules that he is just no good at applying.

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  • Author RaeLynn Fry
  • Quote

    Here in the Outer City, life isn't linear like it is in the Dahn. Life is lived in fragments, scattered in the pitted and uneven, dirty streets. They're picked up as you get a chance, and dropped back to be trampled over when the Corporation gets in the way.

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  • Author Paul Russell
  • Quote

    If you’re going to fall for men, or boys, then deal with the fact that you’re going to be an outcast. It’s not for the faint of heart, it’s not for anybody hoping to be liked or respected or accepted or any of that bullshit.

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  • Author Kathryn Lasky
  • Quote

    You are a mask.You are nothing more!There is nothing behind your mask,not a face,nothing!I shall fly in the fullness of the night.Under the moon and the stars I shall hunt the vole,the rat,even the fox.I shall become part of owlkind,no matter where I have to go.But I shall go!And I shall never ever return to the Pure Ones.I defy you.I HAVE FREE WILL!"-Coryn

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