47 Quotes About Overpopulation


"If there were an intergalactic gardener, he would conclude that the earth had fallen prey to an infestation of human beings."


"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."


"I could never find two people who are perfectly equal: one will always be more valuable than the other. And many people, as a matter of fact, simply have no value."


"I know what cancer was. How is it like humankind?"Sek Hardeen's perfectly modulated, softly accented tones showed a hint of agitation. "We have spread out through the galaxy like cancer cells through a living body, Duré. We multiply without thought to the countless life forms that must die or be pushed aside so that we may breed and flourish. We eradicate competing forms of intelligent life."


"History is a treadmill turned by rising human numbers. Today GM crops are being marketed as the only means of avoiding mass starvation. They are unlikely to improve the lives of peasant farmers ; but they may well enable them to survive in greater numbers."


"The residents of the the town are attracted by the words and the pictures on the signs. They know full well the perils posed by overpopulation. Many of them have mastered the use of several types of contraceptives. Now they understand the dangers posed by traffic accidents. They know that even though overpopulation is perilous, the living must do their best to have a good time and avoid being killed in traffic accident."


"You and Meera didn’t have children. I imagine that was a private response.”“Why create hostages to a future whose shape one could so clearly see? The decision was to avoid grief. For oneself but also for others. “ from habit, I note detailing use of “one “instead of “I “or “we “and store the observation. “The world is too full. But the childless are always punished. It’s a great irony that one gets called selfish for making what is essentially the altruistic choice."


"Ozone depletion, lack of water, and pollution are not the disease—they are the symptoms. The disease is overpopulation. And unless we face world population head-on, we are doing nothing more than sticking a Band-Aid on a fast-growing cancerous tumor."


"Cancer is nothing more than a healthy cell that starts replicating out of control."
