71 Quotes About Page

  • Author Jorge Luis Borges
  • Quote

    He intentado, no se con que fortuna, la redacción de cuentos directos. No me atrevo a afirmar que son sencillos; no hay en la tierra, una sola página, una sola palabra, que lo sea, ya que todas postulan el universo, cuyo más notorio atributo es la complejidad.

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  • Author Kristen Ashley
  • Quote

    However, at fourteen years old, she didn’t understand that all those terrible troubles the heroines in her books went through in real life hurt.That the words were just words on a page, but in real life, the pain was immense. Trials and tribulations to prove your love were exactly that, trials and tribulations.

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  • Author Miles Cameron
  • Quote

    Later in the night, Nell brought two of the company mutts up from the stables. It took her almost an hour to find the horses, and more time to find the stall where the dogs had been penned. Then she lost her way coming back through the endless corridors and the mutts tried to bite an Ordinary.Everything is an adventure when you're a page.

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