53 Quotes About Paradigm-shift

  • Author Rico Torres
  • Quote

    When I was assigned the color blue, I was assigned how I should live. I was assigned a specific type of clothes, toys, and interests. Each individual has different capabilities and hence different interests. Imagine what would happen if someone with no hands would be asked to draw? He might achieve it somehow, but it would be an excruciating and tiring process. This is what happens when we develop a confident expectation from either Gender.

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  • Author Thomas Stark
  • Quote

    The paradigm shift is coming. It’s written into the dialectic. We are the pathfinders of the dialectic. We are the vanguard of the enlightenment. Someone has to be way ahead of the game to lead everyone else forward. The pioneers, the scouts, the adventurers, the radicals, the explorers, those that first step into the unknown along paths never trod before, surrounded everywhere by darkness, must be of exceptional character, boldness, curiosity and courage.

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  • Author Max Planck
  • Quote

    A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.

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  • Author Mike Hockney
  • Quote

    The revolutionary paradigm shift the intellectual world requires – the new Copernican Revolution – is to leave behind the notion of mathematics as an unreal, abstract world of potentiality while physics is the real, concrete world of actuality. The current paradigm says: mathematics unreal, physics real. The new paradigm says: mathematics real (noumenal, ontological), physics phenomenal, concerned with appearances, but not real in itself.

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