2,747 Quotes About Paranormal-romance
- Author Sara Daniel
His grin split even wider. “I’d love the chance to prove you wrong.”And when he did, she’d know what he was thinking. She’d know how much he despised the woman who claimed to be a Vetter and allowed the Commander’s beloved daughter to lifebond with a man who ended up murdering her. Fiona had come to the Wiccan Haus to get away from the public’s hatred and scorn, not see it behind this man’s beautiful smile and feel it no matter how warm and gentle his hands.- Psychic Lies
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- Author Lisa Kessler
He took her hand. If it were in my power, I would take you to that place from your movie, over the rainbow where dreams come true. But all I can offer is myself, and I'm not going anywhere.
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- Author Jen Naumann
No one will say it to my face, but it’s so obvious they think I actually murdered Gavin. As if I would actually want to hurt the guy I was in love with. Still, I see it in their eyes, the way they avoid crossing my path as if I’ll snap and go after them next. I hear it in their accusatory whispers that fill the hallways as I pass by. The signs that I’m generally considered guilty are everywhere.
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- Author A.D. Marrow
Men fight for lots of different reasons--some good, some really dumb--but as long as we can use our fists, we give it our all. It's when we have to fight with our hearts that we give nothing and end up with even less in return. Whether you want to admit it or not, Ev, that woman is your all or nothing.- Reid to Evan
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- Author J.L. Sheppard
I would love to see her set you on fire.
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- Author Denise Grover Swank
This is my love line.... It says an incredibly sexy, but totally infuriating redheaded woman with barge into my life and drive me insane.
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- Author Denise Grover Swank
I'm going to undress you slowly so I can take in every inch of your perfect body. Holy shit, he played dirty.
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- Author Denise Grover Swank
Where did you learn that?Casing the joint 101 at the school for Mischief and Shenaniganry, of course. I think I pass you in the hall on the way to Entrapping the Eligible Billionaire Bachelor......I was too busy in my Entrap Your Man with Hot Sex lab....They have a lab for that?
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- Author Rose Woods
Amit Xander karjaiban átélt, az maga volt a csoda, a nagybetűs szenvedély, ami miatt birodalmak épültek és dőltek össze, ami arra késztetett embereket, hogy a fellegekig repüljenek, vagy épp ellenkezőleg, megjárják a poklok-poklát, hazudjanak, csaljanak vagy akár öljenek is. Kicsit megrémisztette ez a mindent elsöprő érzelem, ugyanakkor érezte, a közöttük szövődött kapcsolat nem az a fajta, amelyik rombol vagy elvesz, inkább az, amelyik minél tovább tart, annál többet ad mindkét fél számára.
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