39 Quotes About Pastoral-ministry
- Author Gary Rohrmayer
When a leader is at their limit the last thing they want to hear is that they need to change even more. Maintaining good rhythms of rest, exercise and fun create more energy for a leader to be willing and open for change.
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- Author Eugene H. Peterson
My job is not to solve people's problems or make them happy, but to help them see the grace operating in their lives.
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- Author Gary Rohrmayer
An angry leader is a scared leader or a hurt leader or a frustrated leader but most of all they are a vulnerable leader.
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- Author Dave Harvey
You must read to lead. Reading feeds. It opens our souls to a long line of counselors.
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- Author Gary Rohrmayer
Leaders are passionate learners. Leaders are always seeking ways to improve themselves by sharpening their skills. They fully embrace the fact that growing leaders lead growing organizations.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Learn a lesson from the branch. Although it has brought fruit for thirty years, the branch is well aware that the years of experience in bearing fruit is not a reason to be independent. The goal of God’s training is never to develop you to stand alone without Him.
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- Author Kingsley Opuwari Manuel
Don't just cry over your 10 or 20 member church. Sometimes, God gives you your future first. The ones you call little carry in them every possibility you desire of the future. God would send you leaders but they may come as weak men and women first. Don't be so 'gift' conscious that you fail to realize that certain things are results of growth.
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- Author Zack Eswine
Apprenticeship assumes that knowing a trade not only comes by numbers and outlines but also by watching and inhabiting. Knowing is found in these forms, because teaching is. We teach not only by our words and assignments but also by the manner of our words and the ways we ourselves already embody the assignments we give.
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- Author Reinhold Niebuhr
I regret the immaturity with which I approached the problems and tasks of the ministry but I do not regret the years devoted to the parish.
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