33 Quotes About Peanuts

  • Author Rick Riordan
  • Quote

    His office was on the third floor of the Humanities & Social Sciences Building, just down the hall from the interview room. On the office door was a Peanuts cartoon of Lucy in the psychiatrist's booth with the little DOCTOR is IN sign. Professor Mitchell, a man on the cutting edge of humor.

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  • Author Charles M. Schulz
  • Quote

    Mi vuoi più bene di quanto te ne voglio io, Ciccio?Non so… Tu mi vuoi più bene di quanto te ne voglio io?Non facciamo giochi da innamorati, Ciccio!

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  • Author Charles M. Schulz
  • Quote

    Marcie mi sta facendo un costume, Snoopy. Adesso è solo questione che io e te ci occupiamo del mio pattinaggio in modo che possa far bene nella gara... Come sono le mie figure?BLEAH!!Non sei un grande addolcitore di pillole, vero?

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  • Author Charles M. Schulz
  • Quote

    Il re Luigi II? Beh, sottraendo Luigi XIV da Luigi XVI, si ha Luigi II! Ah, no? Diavolo! Mi pareva una risposta niente male!

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  • Author Charles M. Schulz
  • Quote

    Marcie, hai una macchina per cucire!Non è mia capo… È di mia madre.Perché non mi fai un costume da pattinaggio, Marcie?Io non so cucire, capo…Ecco! Puoi farmi un costume rosso con tanti lustrini!Non sei una che ascolta, vero, capo?

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  • Author Laurie Gelman
  • Quote

    Why, oh why, is it always the mother with the most allergic kid who is, herself, a nut? I mean, I get it, allergies are serious. Life-threatening, even. They're nothing to joke about. But when did this all happen? When did peanut butter become the grade-school equivalent of anthrax?

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  • Author Kristin Armstrong
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    Everyone knows I drink a lot of Diet Coke, so...I drink chocolate milk after races as my recovery drink, and you won't ever find me without a peanut butter sandwich in my bag at races or without a jar of peanut butter when I am heading to Europe.

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