28 Quotes About Penndaria

  • Author L.J. Shen
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    If I have to tell him what's going on with Prichard, I will. I'm not proud of it, but pride is a very slippery slope where love is involved. Marx. Love. I don't use the L word lightly. I don't go around telling people I love pizza or chocolate or Riverdale. I like those things. Love, I save for the most important stuff.But I am hopelessly, tragically in love with Penn Scully.

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  • Author L.J. Shen
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    His scent messes with my head. I want to reach out and caress his face. Kiss his wounds better. Beg for forgiveness. Curse him. Push him away. Cry on his shoulder for what we've done. For how it ended. For what we became afterward. Because I'm full of crap, and he is totally empty.

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  • Author L.J. Shen
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    I envelop her. Even when Daria is growling like an injured animal in my ear. Even when the sea glass necklace, her see glass necklace, burns a hole in my back pocket, right next to her pompom string, demanding to go back to its rightful owner. Even when a scream rips from her throat, and I need to cover it with my palm. I hold her.

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  • Author L.J. Shen
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    I hug her tighter because she is squirming again, desperate to run away, and I can't let her.And when she breaks within my arms, I glue her back, tuck her in bed, and kiss her forehead, not letting go until she is sound asleep.

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