472 Quotes About Performance

  • Author Michel de Montaigne
  • Quote

    De gangene jeg har merket at en kvinne har vært misfornøyd med meg, har jeg ikke straks gitt hennes lettsinn skylden, men har spurt meg selv om jeg ikke heller burde skylde på naturen. Sannelig har den gitt meg en behandling i strid med både strafferett og sivilrett - og krenket meg på det groveste.

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  • Author Caleb Roehrig
  • Quote

    Drag wasn’t a disguise or an illusion; it was armor. When he stepped onstage, Axel became someone fierce and untouchable, a force of nature that gave no fucks and couldn’t be bothered. He brought hecklers to their knees, read homophobes until they needed the Da Vinci Code to piece their dignity back together, and faced the worst with a smart remark and a tongue pop. Lisel was both shield and weapon, the only refuge he’d had from these ugly years.

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  • Author Kevin Spacey
  • Quote

    We gotta be willing to let it hurt. You know, all this notion that acting is “yeah it’s pretend” and yes we enjoy it and yeah we can have a good time with it. But if you wanna LAND, you wanna make an impact, you want those FUCKERS TO REMEMBER YOU! Then you have to let it hurt sometimes. You gotta get there because that’s all an audience ever wants. Is for you to open up your chest and show them that you have a fucking heart. That’s all we want. A heart. A human being. Not an affectation.

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