265 Quotes About Persuasion
- Author Aayush Jain
A single 10-minute presentation has the power to convert your idea into reality.
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I’ve finally given in, my eyes are shut under the blindfold. I can hear and smell, but I cannot see. My hands are clammy I feel cold yet I am warm. It is what I wanted, but I am now unsure, dubious yet at the same time excited and curious. I would like to think I feel a bit like Alice just before she fell down the hole into the rabbit hole. Yet there are no rabbits here… not even those of the rampant persuasion.
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- Author Frank Herbert
A good ruler has to learn his world's language, and that's different for every world, the language you don't hear just with your ears.
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- Author Barbara W. Tuchman
The art of oratory was considered part of the equipment of a statesman.
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- Author Jeffrey Toobin
He did what good lawyers always do. He shifted his argument in the direction his audience was already going.
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- Author Robert A. Caro
They were interchangeable tools, and the catchy phrases continued without abatement.
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- Author Robert A. Caro
Lyndon Johnson’s sentences were the sentences of a man with a remarkable gift for words, not long words but evocative, of a man with a remarkable gift for images, homey images of a vividness that infused the sentences with drama.
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- Author Stephen L. Carter
In spite of his Cold War credentials, Kennedy still believed in the power of words.
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- Author John Quincy Adams
When (an advocate) is not thoroughly acquainted with the real strength and weakness of his cause, he knows not where to choose the most impressive argument. When the mark is shrouded in obscurity, the only substitute for accuracy in the aim is in the multitude of the shafts.
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