230 Quotes About Philosophy-of-astronomy
"The deepest of bonds exist between my soul and my dream."
"Though I don’t yet bear a ring, I am deeply bonded with my dream"
"I had my first child when I was fourteen: I cared for it, protected it and it became my world, but when the time came to let it go out into the world…well, that was both the easiest and hardest day of my life."
"My was life was completely consumed by my own creation."
"I have been given a giant paradoxical ball of chaos for which I had been chosen to unscramble, repackage, and act as its steward in this world until the time comes when I myself am to end."
"Underpinning it all was the love for the characters, creation and progression."
"If I had told them all at the wrong time they would I think was crazy which, I suppose, I am."
"All my other loves cannot compete with the one at the centre of my heart, my mind, and my destiny."
"My darkest moments were those in which his presence was blurred."