38 Quotes About Phylosophy-of-life


"Ignorance has produced less errors than science. P. 105"


"Tudo em nós tem decadência, e só a ciência a não há de ter? p. 122 Everything in us has decay, and science alone will not have it? P. 122"


"A corrupção das gentes está tão espalhada, que faz parecer virtude uma obrigação que se cumpre, uma dívida que se ser, mas pelo que poderiam ser."


"كل تكنولوجيا متطورة اكتشفها العلم تحولت إلى سلاح؛ بدءا من النار، ووصولا إلى القوة النووية، وكانت دائما بين أيادي الحكومات."


"We are realizing our own inseparability from each other and from the totality of all life. Usury belies this union, for it seeks growth of the separate self at the expense of something external, something other.   (pg 139)"


"Единственное, что тут можно было сделать, это хлопнуться на старенькую кушетку и зареветь. Именно так Делла и поступила. Откуда напрашивается философский вывод, что жизнь состоит из слез, вздохов и улыбок, причем вздохи преобладают."


"He asked me: why you are not patient?, I answered: I am very patient just I am at war against time"


"Competition and the accumulation of more than one needs are the natural response to a perceived scarcity of resources. The obscene overconsumption and waste of our society arise from our poverty: the deficit of being that afflicts the discrete and separate self, the scarcity of money in an interest-based system, the poverty of relationship that comes from the severance of our ties to community and to nature, the relentless pressure to do anything, anything at all, to make a living.  ( pg 247)"


"Мне тогда и в голову не приходило, что человек не растение и процветать ему долго нельзя."
