266 Quotes About Poetry-love
- Author Ivonne Yáñez Saba
Por la misma ventana rasgada, rasgada por los años que han transcurrido observo por uno de los orificios que tiene el vidrio el cual pareciera que llora por las gotas que ha dejado la noche de lluvia. Veo el sendero, vacío y frío lleno de hojas marchitas a los lejos escucho un grito de dos amantes, que se gritan uno al otro ¡amor mío cúbrete que viene el frío! parpadeo, vuelvo a mirar impávida y lo único que veo son dos hojas caídas que se ha llevado el olvido.
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- Author Sanober Khan
I am a tale, I am a book, written in different languages and styles I can’t be read, can’t be understood,neither by me nor the greatest of minds I am too big, I am too small, to be processed or seen by the naked eye I am too dim, I am too bright, to appear in the shadows or the sunshine.
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- Author Jay Long
Moments caught in time. Simple memories spread out before me. Timeless reminders of how life goes on, even when it feels as if you cannot.
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- Author John Geddes
... only a seer or a lover would know that I'm making a jewelry of words for you -drawn from your essence -to flash and burn with your fire -so you can bedazzle with your own light ...
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- Author Purple Phoenix Poetry
my scars breathe no shamefor my wings are growingfrom the wounds you left
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- Author Meraaqi
I do not just want you at your best.I almost do not carewhere your Happiness lives,but please,let me visit your pain? Take me to the placewhere your sadness goes,and show me the tragedythat no one knows.
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- Author Dawn Lanuza
Despite everythingI still thank the universe For blessing me with you As my firstIf I could love you this much For this long— And on my first try — Then surely,I could love someone else more Far better,Far longer.
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- Author Avijeet Das
And then she remembered the stranger. She had met him on an April afternoon. In his presence she had felt feelings that she had never felt before. The stranger had touched the innermost parts of her heart! He had done it by just his words. And his presence had made her feel as if she was in a spell!
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- Author Sanober Khan
some words bring warmthjust bybeing next to each other.
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