63 Quotes About Poets-and-poetry

  • Author Kilroy J. Oldster
  • Quote

    Silken strings composing the harpsichord of life accommodate a score of emotional tidings. An orchestra of linked heartbeats strumming the melodious prose of our collective intones gives rise to sonnets of melancholy, producing an illimitable libretto stretching from the milky dawn of newborn’s amaranth life to the speckled sunsets of gentle souls whom we cherish.

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  • Author Alfa
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    Some poets write pages upon pages because their hearts have a song to sing and their melodies cannot be contained in a single stanza... and I find myself typing out a quote because my soul is still gasping for breath, and all the words form a single sentence: I miss us.

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  • Author Josephine Angelini
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    The extraordinary-looking pair of young people weren't holding hands, but the way they tilted ever so subtly toward each other made it clear that they didn't have to touch to feel the other. Even the air between them crackled with a kind of magnetism that had yet to be discovered by science, but that poets had been writing about since the dawn of time.

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  • Author Ekaterina Yakovina
  • Quote

    Корабль словЭтот корабль наполняется небом,простором, словами и чем-то еще.Чем-то, что находится в слове,там, где в слове вечность живет.Этот корабль полетит с парусамитихой любви и сомнительных снов.Он очень призрачный и очень печальныйстранный корабль нерастраченных слов.

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