52 Quotes About Police-procedural
"People who go to jail breed people who go to jail."
"If you want to kill serious crime, you have to kill serious criminals!"
"A Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, once said: ‘Dijiste media verdad. Dirán que mientes dos veces si dices la otra mitad.’”“Translated means…”“You told a half-truth. They’ll say you lie twice when you tell the other half."
"The two bodies lay in plain sight of the shuttered Salt Bingo Casino, though there are no witnesses other than a coyote and its jackrabbit prey. The two bodies lay still until the sun-cracked it is light over the Arizona desert like a sky egg."
"Police internal affairs is amongst the most corrupt departments that you will find in governments."
"Debra Bokur has written an immersive, thoroughly researched tale of mystery and mythology that will enlighten as well as entertain. It’s honestly been a while since I’ve wanted to be able to physically join the cast of a novel I’m reading, but The Fire Thief had me longing to solve mysteries with Kali and crew in the flesh. Kali herself is a terrific addition to the world of police procedurals, an original and unconventional heroine who is easy to root for. I can’t wait to read more about her!"
"Bosch let her go. For a long time, he didn't move. Her words had gone through him like the sounds of a roller coaster. Low rumbling and high shrieks."
"I feel death and pain like a tickling pleasure caressing my cheek with a loving, outstretched finger. The sane are troubled by this. The insane thrive on its liberation."
"She had a face that had had lived a thousand stories and none with a happy ending."