488 Quotes About Political-philosophy
- Author Duop Chak Wuol
A self-proclaimed politician lost an argument; he went on a rampage with his fists pointed towards the sky—a move which amounts to a search for a new self.
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- Author Jim MORRISON
The media controls the mind.
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- Author Ruhollah Khomeini
When anyone studies a little or pays a little attention to the rules of Islamic government, Islamic politics, Islamic society and Islamic economy he will realize that Islam is a very political religion. Anyone who will say that religion is separate from politics is a fool; he does not know Islam or politics.
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- Author Jim Wallis
It just doesn’t make spiritual sense to suggest that the evil all lies “out there” with our adversaries and enemies, and none of it is “in here” with us—embedded in our own attitudes, behaviors, and policies.
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- Author عبدالرحمن الكواكبي
إن خوف المستبدِ من نقمة رعيته أكثرُ من خوفهم بأسَهُ, لأن خوفه ينشأ عن علمه بما يستحقه منهم؛ و خوفهم ناشئ عن جهل؛ و خوفه عن عجز حقيقي فيه, و خوفهم عن توهم التخاذل فقط؛ و خوفه على فقد حياته و سلطانه, و خوفهم على لقيمات من النبات على وطن يألفون غيرَه في أيام؛ و خوفه على كل شئ تحت سماء ملكه, و خوفهم على حياة تعيسة فقط.
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- Author Robert Ruark
When we take away from a man his traditional way of life, his customs, hi religion, we had better make certain to replace it with SOMETHING OF VALUE
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- Author أحمد مراد
القتل قد يُصبح أثراً جانبياً لدواء يشفي بلد يحتضر"على لسان حسين الزهاّر
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- Author James D. Best
We must endure the ignorant to protect the liberty of the majority.
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- Author Gary A. Honey
If you stand for nothing; then you stand alone.
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