601 Quotes About Politicians

  • Author Jimmy Breslin
  • Quote

    As nearly all great fortunes in America are made on land stolen while the public's back is turned — and by people who want money but don't want to work for it, by men who use the title of builder and yet never have driven a nail into a board — nowhere was the relationship between politician and merchant closer than at the time the subways of New York were built.

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  • Author Angelica Hopes
  • Quote

    For how long would you row in a boat of suffering, resiliency, despair, grief, pain, and loss, a fragile boat of apathy and fearful silence, as you sail along the huge waves of corruption, storms of kakistocracy and kleptocracy, the windy whiplash of painful injustice, the tumultuous, continuous waves of violence, and the bloody sea of impunity engulfing indefinitely the Pearl of the Orient Seas?~ Angelica Hopes, Karmic Harvest Trilogy

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