65 Quotes About Politics-observation
"Но понеже съдържанието не е най-силната страна на Борисов, остава да се вгледаме в опаковката. В неговата метафора тя е прозрачна - буквално и в преносния смисъл. Макар и да е доста позацапана вече тъкмо в 'шоколадовия' цвят..."
"Society is full of possibilities, is this possible to make all to think like children then there will be no politics."
"The middle class, in any society, plays the role of graphite rods in nuclear reactors: they slow down the reaction and, if it weren't for them, the reactor would explode. A society without a middle class is a society primed for explosion."
"One of the hallmarks of our politics now is that we tend to elect those who can campaign over those who can lead;"
"Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt."
"Politics is the business of getting power and privilege without possessing merit. A politician is anyone who asks individuals to surrender part of their liberty - their power and privilege - to State, Masses, Mankind, Planet Earth, or whatever. This state, those masses, that mankind, and the planet will then be run by . . . politicians."
"Compassionis not just an emotion; it is a feeling that triggers a response. Compassionmarries empathy and action. It also requires respect for those who will comeafter us—a commitment to stewardship."