65 Quotes About Politics-observation
"Birds of a feather flock as politicians - and it is the vulture which flies the highest"
"Nos sobran hombres reflexivos y liberales que no actúan o no pueden hacerlo, y los hombres de acción incapaces de pensar de forma visionaria y liberal."
"I believe all politics is personal, because at bottom, politics depends o trust, and unless you can establish a personal relationship, it’s awfully hard to build trust."
"If you feel pain, you are alive. If you feel other people's pain, you are a human being."
"But Providence will bring about its own ends by its own means; and if it intends the downfall of a nation, that nation will be so blinded by its pride and other passions as not to see its danger, or how its fall may be prevented."
"All deeper interest in politics presupposes a touch of illiteracy. To adopt a real political party line you have to be capable of simplifying all questions; you must teach yourself to believe that all misery is due either to the communists or the fascists or parliamentarianism or the Jews or the bankers or the vegetarians or whatever. If you can't oversimplify you have no political clout."
"Optimism is a political act. Those who benefit from the status quo are perfectly happy for us to think nothing is going to get any better. In fact, these days, cynicism is obedience."
"When wisdom drips blood fools stand triumphant."
"The worst crimes were dared by a few, willed by more and tolerated by all."