58 Quotes About Powers

  • Author John David Anderson
  • Quote

    Their revolvers are drawn, but they won’t fire. They’re just here as backdrop. The fire department is here too, as are the ETMs, but there isn’t much they can do either. They know the rules. This is clearly out of their scope, and these guys are out of their league. They’re basically here for crowd control. Besides, have you ever seen an ETM jump into a pool of acid to rescue two costumed teenagers? Do you even know what those guys get paid?

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  • Author Greg Farshtey
  • Quote

    I have checked our teleportation technology," Tridax said. "There was no sign of sabotage. You are a liar.""Well, no one ever said Makuta were observant," said Vezon, "How could you be so sure? Suppose I sabotaged it myself using my incredible powers of the mind.""You have no powers," said the Makuta, picking up a wickedly sharp blade. "You have no mind. You are about to have no head.

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  • Author Alexandra Bracken
  • Quote

    Chubs didn’t have to finish. I knew what I’d been when I’d found them: a terrified splinter of a girl who had been shattered a long time ago. I had nothing, and no one, and no real place to go. Maybe I was still broken and would always be—but now, at least, I was piecing myself back together, lining up one jagged edge at a time.

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  • Author Alexandra Bracken
  • Quote

    I started at the beginning, the escape. Fleeing through the forest, meeting a new danger at every turn, the desperation that came with trying to protect everyone when you could barely take care of yourself. The boy with the bottomless dark eyes, the betrayal, the fire, the smoke. And by the time I realized I had told him my own story, Jude was fast asleep, tucked firmly into dreams.

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