121 Quotes About Press
- Author Oswald Mosley
Newspapers are not made any longer by news or journalism. They are made by sheer weight of money expressed in free gift schemes. They serve not the interests of the many, but the vested interests of the few.
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- Author Oswald Mosley
The Press will not be free to tell lies. That is not freedom for the people, but a tyranny over their minds and souls. Much humbug is talked on this subject. What is press freedom? In practice it means the right of a dew millionaires to corner newspaper shares on the stock exchange and to voice their own opinions and interests, irrespective of the truth or of the national interest.
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- Author Ayu Welirang
Menjadi wartawan yang netral, berarti telah berkontribusi dalam memberikan manfaat untuk khalayak. Saat ada spiral kebisuan di antara mereka yang minoritas karena tertelan pendapat mayoritas, maka tugas wartawan untuk mengangkat fanomena itu. Wartawanlah yang membingkai suatu kondisi masyarakat yang tidak tersuarakan, menjadi lebih terdengar.
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- Author Nora Ephron
The image of the journalist as wallflower at the orgy has been replaced by the journalist as the life of the party.
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- Author George Orwell
It is impossible to read through the reports in the Communist Press without realizing that they are consciously aimed at a public ignorant of the facts and have no other purpose than to work up prejudice.
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- Author Arthur Conan Doyle
The Press, Watson, is a most valuable institution, if you only know how to use it.
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- Author Amin Maalouf
People sometimes imagine that just because they have access to so many newspapers, radio and TV channels, they will get an infinity of different opinions. Then they discover that things are just the opposite: the power of these loudspeakers only amplifies the opinion prevalent at a certain time, to the point where it covers any other opinion.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Since most of the traditional news publishing industry is hugely dependent on corporate sponsorship (except for a few publishers funded by people), even their news can be manipulated for the benefit of the sponsors or political lobbies. So, in the end, it all comes down to journalistic integrity - it comes down to the ethical grounds of the real conscientious journalists.
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- Author Michael S. Sweeney
Carolyn M. Edy has broadened and deepened our understanding of women war correspondents. In so doing, she has expanded our appreciation of the scope and quality of their work and has corrected the many incomplete or incorrect conclusions of those who wrote the first drafts of history. These women served, and served well, their country and their profession, and it is good to have them restored to their proper place in history.
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