31 Quotes About Priestess

  • Author Diana Leston
  • Quote

    How shallow can you be? You're splitting hairs over a word used to describe the same exact type of demon!" Trinity grumbled. "In North America, the many Native American tribes called your kind 'Wolf Spirits' in their many different languages. In Japan, your species is referred to as 'Wolf Demons.' In parts of Europe, we call them 'Werewolves.' The list goes on and on!"- Trinity to Fang, Chapter 27

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  • Author Lucy H. Pearce
  • Quote

    The Dalai Lama says that the world will be saved by Western women. Not any women, perhaps not all women, but Burning Women. Women who have stepped out of silence and into the fullness of their power. Angry women who love the world and her creatures too much to let it be destroyed so thoughtlessly for a moment longer.Burning Woman is the heart and soul of revolution – inner and outer. She burns for change, she dances in the fire of the old, all the while visioning and weaving the new.

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  • Author Rachilde
  • Quote

    If I created a new depravity I would be a priestess, while my imitators would founder, after my reign, in abominable filth...Don't you think that proud men, copying Satan, are more guilty than the Satan of the Bible, who invented pride? Is Satan not respectable because of his unprecedented and divinely inspired sin?

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