85 Quotes About Project-management
- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Scrum is like a roundtable; with agenda, followed by minutes.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Every role in a scrum team is either a producer or a consumer, within.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Scrum, in simple terms is managing a TO-DO list.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Scrum is about plotting your TO-DOs in calendar and ticking them off.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Synonyms for Scrum Ceremonies are what, when, who, how, why.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Scrum is either of two types, understanding what is required, or telling what is delivered.
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- Author Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
Elicitation is to gather the information, together.
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- Author John Alejandro King a.k.a. The Covert Comic
Collide o' scope (n.) Any project for which more than one organization defines requirements.
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- Author Titus Winters
A boat without a captain is nothing more than a floating waiting room: unless someone grabs the rudder and starts the engine, it’s just going to drift along aimlessly with the current. A piece of software is just like that boat: if no one pilots it, you’re left with a group of engineers burning up valuable time, just sitting around waiting for something to happen (or worse, still writing code that you don’t need).
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