29 Quotes About Proletariat
- Author Karl Marx
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
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- Author Rosa Luxemburg
It [the proletariat] should and must at once undertake socialist measures in the most energetic, unyielding and unhesitant fashion, in other words, exercise a dictatorship, but a dictatorship of the class, not of a party or of a clique – dictatorship of the class, that means in the broadest possible form on the basis of the most active, unlimited participation of the mass of the people, of unlimited democracy.
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- Author Karl Marx
Die Proletarier dieser Welt haben nichts zu verlieren als ihre Ketten. Sie haben eine Welt zu gewinnen. Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!
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- Author Peter Singer
Whereas the property-owning middle class could win freedom for themselves on the basis of rights to property--thus excluding others from the freedom they gain--the property-less working class possess nothing but their title as human beings. Thus they can liberate themselves only by liberating all humanity.
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- Author Kamini Arichandran
Bourgeoise. Proletariat. It is all relative.
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- Author Steve Jones
Karl Marx, himself a denizen of one of the most congested of all London districts, was equally impressed by the dismal conditions of the new proletariat. he sent Darwin a copy of 'Das Kapital' (which was found unread after his death).
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- Author George Orwell
Считается нежелательным, чтобы пролы испытывали большой интерес к политике. От них требуется лишь примитивный патриотизм - чтобы взывать к нему, когда идет речь об удлинении рабочего дня или о сокращении пайков.
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- Author C.S. Malerich
We were crushed’ said Judith; ‘for lack of resolution more than lack of numbers. A strike is nothing if a worker may pledge herself to it today and return to the factory tomorrow. So we gather here; tonight, to unite and entwine our fate.
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- Author Karl Marx
Not in vain does it [the proletariat] go through the stern but steeling school of labour. It is not a question of what this or that proletarian, or even the whole proletariat, at the moment regards as its aim. It is a question of what the proletariat is, and what, in accordance with this being, it will historically be compelled to do.
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