472 Quotes About Propaganda

  • Author Robert O. Paxton
  • Quote

    In fascist propaganda, and in most people’s image of fascist regimes, leader and party are fused into a single expression of the national will. In reality, there is permanent tension between them, too. The fascist leader inevitably neglects some early campaign promises in his quest for the alliances necessary for power, and thus disappoints some of his radical followers.

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  • Author Joan Mascaro
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    Quan un home enganya, es diu qeu és un estafador: si roba, un lladre. Quan un home en mata un altre, és un assassí. Però quan els homes es reuneixen col·lectivament, a la difamació l'anomenem propaganda, i al robatori, apropiació. I a l'assassinat i al crim se'ls anomena guerra

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  • Author Irvin D. Yalom
  • Quote

    - Kako objašnjavaš njegovu popularnost?- On piše ubedljivo. I impresionira neobrazovane. Na svakoj stranici mogu se naći zvučni citati Tertulijana ili Svetog Augustina, ili recimo Platona, ili nekog indijskog mistika iz osmog veka. Ali to je samo privid erudicije. U stvari, on naprosto istrgne iz davnina niz nepovezanih citata da bi podupro svoje unapred zaokružene ideje...

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  • Author Angela Carter
  • Quote

    Indeed, pornography is basically propaganda for fucking, an activity, one would have thought, that did not need much advertising in itself, because most people want to do it as soon as they know how.

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  • Author Naomi Oreskes
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    Doubt is crucial to science in the version we call curiosity or healthy scepticism, it drives science forward – but it also makes science vulnerable to misrepresentation, because it is easy to take uncertainties out of context and create the impression that everything is unresolved. This was the tobacco industry's key insight: that you could use normal scientific uncertainty to undermine the status of actual scientific knowledge.

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  • Author J.R.Nyquist
  • Quote

    From the president down to the man in the street, we are intellectually weak and vulnerable to propaganda. We tend toward the shortened version - and we attend it with little understanding. Even when enemy propaganda fails to nudge us in the wrong direction, our ignorance nonetheless leads us away from the proper course. No longer capable of a serious discussion, and apparently no longer interested, we remain focused on polls and simplistic theories and media sound bites.

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