25 Quotes About Publishing-books
"Good cover design is not only about beauty... it’s a visual sales pitch. It’s your first contact with a potential reader. Your cover only has around 3 seconds to catch a browsing reader’s attention. You want to stand out and make them pause and consider, and read the synopsis."
"Not everything you think of is worth being published. But everything you think of is worth being written."
"The pain of an unpublished manuscript is akin to the trauma of bearing an unborn."
"In its essence, Elemental, the Power of Illuminated Love, maintains we are all on a quest to experience qualities of compassion and acceptance capable of helping to sustain both the individual and the larger society. Because such a journey tends to take place even more within than without, the visual imagery, words, and music of ILLUMINATED LOVE incorporates both levels of that reality."
"We can’t be everything for our book. Sometimes, we must surrender it to people who can help.It’s all about the book. It’s not a reflection of your competence.But, please ask from the right people. Hire the right people. Approach experts. Friends are great for moral support, but when you need expertise and advise, then ask the experts. Otherwise, you’d be a blind man being guided by another blind man telling you which way to go. A practice that is too common in this industry."
"People don't know they want to become an author until they meet me."
"Sometimes, I'm brave.Sometimes, I'm just stubbron."
"Writing is not a numbers game. You should focus more on reaching the hearts of readers and building fans more than publishing a plethora of books that no one may care about."