39 Quotes About Purpose-of-living
"Goodness is a bright flame within you. Use it to light up the world."
"My main purpose in life is to do everything on purpose."
"Take time daily to reflect on how much you have. It may not be all that you want but remember someone somewhere is dreaming to have what you have."
"We are frightfully concerned with our own deaths, sometimes so much so that we forget the real purpose of our lives"
"As you become more present in your own life, you will begin to enlighten others by your example."
"To have our needs met, to love, to be loved, to feel safe in this world and to each know our purpose, is a simple matter of creating those blessings for others."
"You need [...] to evolve, to become. [...]You are here to become."
"You came into the world to do something; So... do something!"
"It seems that rather than abandon their worldview, many young people are abandoning their lives altogether. I am disturbed to see the number of suicides and suicide attempts by those between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. Many of their suicide notes report they had lost meaning, purpose and a sense that life held any value.This is no longer just about philosophy. This is about the very real lives we are all trying to make sense of here on Earth."