78 Quotes About Radical-feminism


"Punishment [is] applied like a rabbit's foot, with as little regard to its efficacy."


"A commitment to disrupting the state's violence when and where we see it takes feminism outside of the realm of words and theories and makes it a living, breathing set of principles. It reminds us that where we can make interventions, we should and that only work that seeks to shake and unsettle the very foundations of the sexist state is feminist work."


"Derogaría la ley totalitaria de la ideología de género, que hace que se criminalice a la mitad de la población por su sexo. Lo que haría es una ley sobre violencia en el ámbito familiar, que no criminalice a la mitad de la población por su sexo."


"[Rape is] nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear."


"For me, being comfortable and unafraid to live in your own authenticity is radical. Revolutionary people don’t have to try so hard to be who they say they are. They exude it and live it effortlessly in their natural state."


"One group of people that get a lot of PTSD are soldiers who have been in combat. You know who gets more PTSD, has higher rates of PTSD? Women who have escaped prostitution. That tells me that the war that men wage against women is actually worse than the wars they wage against each other."


"Nowhere else in the whole range of life on earth, is this degradation found--the female capering and prancing before the male. It is absolutely and essentially his function, not hers."


"What is acted out on the female body parallels the larger practices of domination, fragmentation, and conquest against the earth body, which is being polluted, strip-mined, deforested, and cut up into parcels of private property. Equally, this pattern points to the fragmentation of the psyche, which ultimately underlies and enables all of this damage."
