28 Quotes About Rake
"If a wicked rake doesn’t kiss a young lady when they’re alone in a moonlit rose garden, might it mean he doesn’t intend to? There were rules about such things. Weren’t they written down somewhere? If not, then they should be. A Treatise on Rakes, written for Susceptible Young Ladies, by a Lady of Distinction."
"Rake your lifestyle. Gather all bitterness. Burn this bad attitude that has chocked the canals of your success. Be set free!"
"I am very much obliged to my uncle, but the thought that he might find another way of rescuing me from my dear rake puts me in the liveliest dread!"
"Certainly she must surrender but she must offer resistance; an opponent too weak to win but not too weak to put up a struggle."
"Then you’ve never been in love?”“Never.”She nodded. “Nor have I.”“A pity,” he said, pursing his lips. “I wonder how it would feel? To be swept away by a grand passion? To give everything for only one person in the world?”Her lips curved wryly. “So idealistic for a rake. Really, you do spoil my prior understanding of what the word entailed.”“This is my social face,” he said lightly. “Don’t confuse it with the animal beneath."
"She was little better than a banshee with a sidearm."
"Blend walked into K’rul’s Bar and found it empty, save for the hunched figure of the historian, who sat at his chosen table, staring at the stained, pitted wood. She walked over and looked down at him. ‘Who died?’Duiker did not look up. ‘Not who, Blend. More like what. What died? More, I think, than we’ll ever know."
"When I have you, sweet boy, it will be because you want me to. Not against your better judgment, not in spite of my surname, and definitely not to annoy your aunt."Stephen went red, but his voice was defiant. "Well, what was that, then?"Crane shrugged. "You seemed tense."