554 Quotes About Reading-books
- Author Orhan Pamuk
Eventually, we come to love certain novels because we have expended so much imaginative labor on them. This is why we hang on to those novels, whose pages are creased and dog-eared.
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- Author Aaron B. Powell
People should read more.
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- Author Marcel Proust
Dinner-parties bore us because our imagination is absent, and reading interests us because it is keeping us company.
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- Author jahangir khosravi shakib
Book means fly in the sky,cross the desert, without wing without water.
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- Author SepĂșlveda Luis
(...) era vorba despre o carte care ti se lipea de mana, iar ochii refuzau sa se lase invinsi de oboseala numai pentru a continua sa citeasca.
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- Author Anna Gavalda
At the end of the afternoon she tore herself away from the story to go and buy some tobacco. This would be tricky on a holiday, but never mind, it was mainly a pretext so the story could settle and she'd have the pleasure of meeting up with her new friend again a bit later on.
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- Author Tom Butler-Bowdon
تابع عادات الناجحين وستكتشف أنهم عادة ما يكونون قراء عظماء ... إن حب الاستطلاع والقدرة على التعلّم أمران حيويان لتحقيق أي إنجاز . ومن هنا جاءت العبارة الشهيرة "القادة قراء" وكما قال ديل كارينجي : الشخص الساعي للتطور يجب أن يشغل عقله دائما بقراءة الاعمال الأدبية .
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- Author Fabio Volo
I personaggi, le frasi e le parole trovate nei libri sono come ponti che ti permettono di spostarti da dove sei verso dove vuoi andare, e quasi sempre è un ponte che unisce il tuo vecchio io a quello nuovo che ti attende
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Ho talvolta sognato che, quando verra' il giorno del Giudizio,l'Onnipotente dira' a Pietro, vedendoci arrivare con i nostri librisotto braccio: "Guarda, questi non hanno bisogno di alcun compenso. Non abbiamo nulla da dare loro.Questi hanno amato leggere".
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