81 Quotes About Reading-motivation
- Author Frank Sonnenberg
You are what you eat AND the information that you digest.
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- Author Aman Jassal
A great book is one, which really don’t finish when it finishes.
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- Author Denise Walter McConduit
Reading is like magic--I think I've made my case. Without the gift of words, this world's a crazy place!
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- Author Malcom X
Anyone who has read a great deal can imagine the new world that [reading] opened.
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- Author Gwendolyn Moore
My GetAway Car Is Parked In Front of A Library
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- Author Chloe Thurlow
Reading releases you from the limits of yourself.
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- Author School Library Journal
If there's one overarching theme in "Guys Read", it's the simple but important message: "read what you like, when you like, whatever that happens to be.
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- Author Sylvia McNicoll
The bookshelf in my heart holds many titles. So can yours.
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- Author Victor VillaseƱor
And so, there in the penitentiary, Juan's education began. He didn't want to be a puto weakling, so he worked hard at learning to read. His earthly body was locked up, but his mind was set free as a young eagle soaring through the heavens.
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