343 Quotes About Reincarnation

  • Author Ashley Jeffery
  • Quote

    Flashes of my past lives kept crawling across my vision. I had Akima’s laugh, Eve’s blind ability to love, and Marrah’s unwavering belief in family. I was all of these women and none of them. Their souls carried along inside of me but unmistakable from my own.I saw their lives in pieces, their triumphs and sorrows, loved ones gained and lost. They were all different yet somehow the same. We were sisters and daughters, lovers and wives.Pacey O'Brien-Lilith

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  • Author Chelsie Shakespeare
  • Quote

    Everything is connected, like a delicate web. Ever growing, ever changing. New silvery strands come together every day, and once the strand is formed, no matter what superficial circumstances may sometimes keep you apart, it is never broken. You will meet again, perhaps in another lifetime. The connection is unbreakable, lying dormant in your subconscious.

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  • Author Rebecca Queen
  • Quote

    It infuriated Kary in a way to compare the Astraea she remembered with this girl. Astraea had been barely a teenager when she had marched into war beside her. She had been scared, but she had never been faint of heart. She had always done what was needed. This girl in front of her now — Serena — was missing Astraea’s tenacity.

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