640 Quotes About Religion-and-philosophy
- Author Talees Rizvi
Not against any Religion I know it’s tough to deny generations old fairy tale beliefs but at least measure with basic logic (For All Religions)
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- Author Phillip Roth
Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious, folderol, meaningless, childish, couldn't stand the complete unadultness, the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us.
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- Author Abhijit Naskar
Nanak wanted to preach people that God loves both the Hindus and the Muslims the same way. Believing in his spiritual encounter, he wanted to eliminate the distance between the Hindus and the Muslims by teaching the words of equality and One God. But just like usual, he ended up forming yet another religion which became more and more hardcore with its own rituals and regulations in the hands of the subsequent nine Gurus.
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- Author Israel Morrow
I firmly believe that American society would not endure ten years if subjected to half the trials and tortures we’ve put Natives through. And yet Native peoples have not been utterly destroyed, not by the world’s strongest military. They have not been totally assimilated, not by the world’s largest religion. Native religions are indeed concerned with being a good person, respecting one’s family, ancestors, community, and the Earth—and when these principles are lived, there is great strength.
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- Author Richard John Neuhaus
Maundy Thursday is so called because that night, the night before he was betrayed, Jesus gave the command, the mandatum, that we should love one another. Not necessarily with the love of our desiring, but with a demanding love, even a demeaning love—as in washing the feet of faithless friends who will run away and leave you naked to your enemies.
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- Author Aporva Kala
An orchestra of temple bells and chanting erupted suddenly like a pleasing drizzle.
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- Author Godspower Oparaugo
You need to tolerate all manner of characters for your own good because, you cannot force people to change and even if you have to, you cannot change everyone.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
A hateful religion has to have a rightful place in this world - in the dustbin.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Go read a book, other than your own.
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