414 Quotes About Religious-faith
"Giving is the only way to receive more."
"When a person believes that a God is truly concerned about the well-being of life on earth, and especially of human life, the belief adorns that person with various positive psychological elements such as emotional stability, in times of distress and a highly functional moral compass. Here this belief has nothing to do with reality whatsoever, rather it serves the evolutionary purpose of self-preservation."
"There is nothing behind the curtains of religions, people put there whatever their imaginations can fathom"
"Atheists are the most honest of the human race. These people are unable to live a double life; they are unable to lie to themselves. Of course it's an evolutionary handicap, and if that handicap was widespread, our species would run the risk of extinction"
"All religions are man-made; God has not yet revealed himself beyond doubt to anybody."
"Don't create unbelief or doubt in people's minds. When you do so you ruin their lives and you have nothing to give them in its place. It's ok if people delude themselves; those delusions keep their day running."
"Each mind conceives god in its own way. There may be as many variation of the god figure as there are people in the world"
"Once you believe that god is not a private property of anybody, you are on your way to becoming a new messiah. Maybe your own if not the world's"
"The people living in land of deep darkness have seen a great light."