94 Quotes About Resist


"Ho guadagnato una vita, un biglietto per la morte,e viaggio ancora.In certi momenti ho creduto d'essere giunto,alla fine del viaggio mi sbagliavo.Erano solo imprevisti del cammino."


"Life is political, not because the world cares about how you feel, but because the world reacts to what you do. The minor choices we make are a kind of vote, making it more or less likely that free and fair elections will be held in the future. In the politics of the everyday, our words and gestures, or their absence, count very much."


"Passion is that drive, that self-confidence, that enthusiasm that makes one to resist every obstacle that attempts to stop him from attaining his ultimate status in life and guides him to keep trying till the harvest time is due."


"A person who lives by the rules of the world cannot resist the devil, cannot fight him"


"Getting your neck slapped by a military superior and not resist the pain is as bad as the burning feeling you get on the inside when the urge to hit them back comes."


"History permits us to be responsible: not for everything, but for something... History gives us the company of those who have done and suffered more than we have."


"Sometimes , I am unable to resist an unknown force which pushes me to go beyond my limits and makes me a deaf for listening to all the fuck that others say and think about me."


"It's so tempting to resist a little gift when you're expecting the otherwise."
