94 Quotes About Resist


"I am not wise enough to know if there is ever purpose in tragedy, if there is ever virtue in resisting it. If it cannot be overcome, then grief has beaten you, and you are right to say so."


"I'm one of thefreaks, the faggots,the geeks, the savages,rogues, rebels, dissident devils,artists, martyrs, infidels ...do we sit stillunder attack?or do we start pushing back?never back upnever back down& FIGHT."


"No one knew it then because it started, as revolutions often do, as something quiet and almost routine."


"Give me a number between one and ten.”“Two.”“Forget that, then. Between five and ten.”“Seven.”“That’s how many times you’re coming before sunrise..."


"For nothing [...] is more heavenly than to resist and to yield; to yield and to resist."


"Anticipatory obedience is a political tragedy."


"Other forces were at work besides conformism. But without the conformists, the great atrocities would have been impossible."
