25 Quotes About Resistance-to-change
"executives are often reluctant to accept the need for change; they may have a vested interest in the status quo, or they may feel that time will eventually vindicate their previous choices. Indeed, when we ask executives what prompts them to seek out blue oceans and introduce change, they usually say that it takes a highly determined leader or a serious crisis."
"Some of those who are resisting change most strongly are only doing so because they care. They’re the ones you need to be listening to."
"Der Punkt ist, es hilft, wenn Leute sich gegen die wehren, es gibt allen Hoffnung. Das ist mir früher immer aufgefallen, wenn du es getan hast, Harry."
"When you are trying to change the questions, you have to realize that many people are quite resistant to such a change. They like the answers they have."
"People don't change. The world carries on spinning inexorably around but people don't spin with it. They dig their heels into the shifting sand and cling on for dear life."
"Man will fight and resist what they do not understand, only the meek seeks to know by humility"