1,549 Quotes About Revolution
- Author Aysha Taryam
The Arab Spring whose seeds failed to bloom anything other than a chaotic mess that requires only blood to grow has contributed immensely to the rising numbers of these migrants.
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- Author Darnell Lamont Walker
You ball up your fist each time you hear about an unfound injustice in the world. That makes me your brother.
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- Author Sonallah Ibrahim
The romanticism of struggle is over. What remains are the utterly naked facts. The cult of personality and its collapse. Rethinking of everything. The masks are off (the mask of religion, the mask of heroism…).
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- Author Bill Holm
Don't whine about your poverty and brainless labor. You can read, can't you? Get thee to a library and foment rebellion - in both inner and outer worlds.
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- Author Darnell Lamont Walker
They sit there shouting "Don't do it." Someone told them revolution looked like the Cosby Show. A slight tug with a good lesson. Revolution is a tough struggle between what was and what needs to be.
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- Author Mariette Navarro
Da sind wir, neue Insekten im verwaisten Ameisenhaufen, mit unseren Taschen voller Pläne und unseren Hoffnungen darauf zu wimmeln.
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- Author Mariette Navarro
Wir werden einander schlussendlich wiederfinden, wir haben die selben Ideen, die selben notwendigen Orte, wir werden uns von Weitem sehen, wir möchten lieber nicht reden, werden sowieso wissen, dass unser Entschluss gefallen ist. Gehen werden wir beide.
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- Author Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Aber was nennen Sie ruhig sein? Die Hände in den Schoss legen? Leiden, was man nicht sollte? Dulden, was man nicht dürfte?
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- Author M. François Guizot
Democracy is a cry of war; it is the flag of the party of numbers placed below raised against those above. A flag sometimes raised in the name of the rights of men, but sometimes in the name of crude passions; sometimes raised against the most iniquitous usurpations but also sometimes against legitimate superiority.
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