25 Quotes About Rising-up

  • Author Anne Lamottott
  • Quote

    This is the most profound spiritual truth I know: that even when we're most sure that love can't conquer all, it seems to anyway. It goes down into the rat hole with us, in the guise of our friends, and there it swells and comforts. It gives us second winds, third winds, hundredth winds. ...your spirits don't rise until you get way down. Maybe it's because this - the mud, the bottom - is where it all rises from. ...when someone enters that valley with you, that mud, it somehow saves you again.

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  • Author Morgan Harper Nichols
  • Quote

    And here I am,in the middle of it alllearning to see the beauty and truthin all I do not understand,I will hold hope within my handsthat I can be here in the betweensand find joy right where I amand know endless, boundless peacerunning wild over everything.

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  • Author Chinua Achebe
  • Quote

    People say that if you find water rising up to your ankle, that's the time to do something about it, not when it's around your neck.

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  • Author Suzanne Collins
  • Quote

    Vikus looked at Luxa and opened his arms. She stood, still frozen, staring at him as if he were a complete stranger. "Luxa, it's your grandpa," said Gregor. It seemed like the best and most important thing to say at the moment. "It's your grandpa." Luxa blinked. A tiny tear formed at the corner of her eye. A battle took place on her face as she tried to stop the feelings rising up inside her. The feelings won, and to Gregor's great relief, she ran into Vikus's arms.

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  • Author Ted Cruz
  • Quote

    We are witnessing a great awakening. Millions of Texans, millions of Americans are rising up to reclaim our country, to defend liberty and to restore the Constitution.

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  • Author Barbara Ehrenreich
  • Quote

    In a process that had begun in the 1980s and suddenly accelerated in the early 2000s ... [t]he peaks of great wealth grew higher, rising up beyond the clouds, while the valleys of poverty sank lower into perpetual shadow. The once broad plateau of the middle class eroded away into a narrow ledge, with the white-knuckled occupants holding on for dear life.

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  • Author Jose Ortega y Gasset
  • Quote

    [T]he direction of society has been taken over by a type of man who is not interested in the principles of civilisation. Not of this or that civilisation but from what we can judge to-day of any civilisation. ...[T]he type of man dominant to-day is a primitive one, a Naturmensch rising up in the midst of a civilised world.

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