68 Quotes About Rituals

  • Author Swami Vivekananda
  • Quote

    Rituals are the kindergarten of religion. They are absolutely necessary for the world as it is now; only we shall have to give people newer and fresh rituals. A party of thinkers must undertake to do this. Old rituals must be rejected and new ones substituted.

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  • Author Anurag Shrivastava
  • Quote

    I don't believe in these customs and rituals, as it's like manufacturing culture-fits on the graveyard of diversity. But then I haven't yet found any other alternative to this prevalent system, which doesn't have its fair share of drawbacks. So if following a custom means being courteous to someone, why not?

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  • Author Erving Goffman
  • Quote

    Perhaps the individual is so viable a god because he can actually understand the ceremonial significance of the way he is treated, and quite on his own can respond dramatically to what is proffered him. In contacts between such deities there is no need for middlemen; each of these gods is able to serve as his own priest.

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  • Author Mircea Cărtărescu
  • Quote

    Zemii sunt animale sociabile şi inteligente, mai mult sau mai puţin. Viaţa lor de zi cu zi cuprinde numeroase reguli de comportamentare, ritualuri şi ceremonii, încălcate însă atât de des încît e greu de distins între regulă şi excepţii.

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  • Author Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Quote

    Silence and solitude are universally recognized spiritual practices, and there are good reasons for this. Learning how to discipline your speech is a way of preventing your energies from spilling out of you through the rupture of your mouth, exhausting you and filling the world with words, words, words instead of serenity, peace and bliss.

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