158 Quotes About Roads


"Just as books are read one word at a time, roads are taken one step at a time."


"Those who wander on dangerous roads too much, after a while start to run away from safe roads!"


"Studying the footprints on existing roads enables us to create a new path with fulfilled expectations."


"Sometimes big, fancy roads don't arouse your interest, but a simple and humble little path steals your heart!"


"People are afraid of deserted roads, whereas you encounter yourself on deserted roads and meet your soul that you lost in the crowds!"


"They parked along one of paths that were away from the main roads and enjoyed their breakfast in peace. Of course, they were perfectly aware it would be a temporary peace."


"You can't stay asleep for a long time while driving on a curved road ! And dear friend, be awake because the roads of this world are mostly curved!"


"Some roads, some stairs, some problems may seem to you infinite! Take a step into that infinity; you will see that infinity will suddenly shrink!"


"All the roads you regret for not going to the end represent the alternative lives you have missed!"
