158 Quotes About Roads

  • Author Kimberly Morgan
  • Quote

    They leave the insistent monotony of the interstate for more reasonable roads. While the former slices its path through entire states, peppering them with exit signs and mile markers, these lesser cousins of the grand highways keep their manners intact, clinging gently to the hemlines of all but the most obstinate geological points of interest. Charming and sometimes a bit frightening, their paths are as unpredictable and winding as a little boy's route home from school.

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  • Author Elly Blue
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    We're caught up in a vicious cycle of debt. We borrow money to build a giant road project. That project attracts new development, which brings more traffic. Eventually the road needs to be expanded; the initial debt has not been paid off, so a new, larger loan is taken out to fund the new project and pay off the old one. The money is borrowed against the promise of further development to bring in new tax revenue. And so it continues.

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  • Author Julia Corbett
  • Quote

    In the continental United States, 83 percent of the land area is now within two-thirds of a mile from a road. Even in large forested regions, two-thirds of the land is within a football-field-length of a road or a forest edge.

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  • Author Garrett Leigh
  • Quote

    I’d wasted too much time over the past twelve months considering how bad my life could get, but as I sat alone in the deserted hospital corridor, my very worst fears had never felt more real. Pete was fighting for his life, and there was every chance he could lose.

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  • Author Carrie Jones
  • Quote

    Okay, little car, you are protesting roads. They are death traps for animals. They are environmentally unsound impervious surfaces that cause runoff. I understand this. But could we protest in the summer?

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