91 Quotes About Role-model
- Author Frank Sonnenberg
Exemplary role models believe in the power of good — not what’s good for them but rather, what’s good for others.
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- Author Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Your enemy is most humbled when he finds out that the person that he looks up to … looks up to you.
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- Author Fela Durotoye
As a nation, we will only become the shining light to the world with the emergence of more and more role models worthy of emulation by all
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- Author Gordon Savage
Life is too precious to waste any of it regretting the past.
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- Author Mokokoma Mokhonoana
The biggest problem with mentorship is that in almost all cases the mentor either cannot make the mentee better than them, or does not want that to ever happen.
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- Author Amit Abraham
Be the light you want to see around".
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- Author Maxwell King
One of the challenges of her [Producer Margy Whitmer's] job was to find practical applications for Fred Rogers's sometimes wacky ideas...He couldn't really visualize what he wanted until he saw something, and then he would know that he didn't want that, or he'd want it changed. The hardest part was that he had such respect for the art crew, their talent, their whimsy, and their wackiness, that it was hard for him to tell them he didn't like something.
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- Author Riikka Pulkkinen
Jos Seijasta on jotain sanottava, hänestä voi sanoa tämän: hän on ihminen joka kantaa käsilaukussaan voiveistä. Koskaan ei tiedä milloin mieli alkaa tehdä juustoa tai kokonaista kakkua, josta leikata palasia.
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- Author Mayur Ramgir
Spread your wings, become a role model for others to follow so that they can match you step for step in their own quest to achieve success
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