480 Quotes About Russia

  • Author Leo Tolstoy
  • Quote

    It was awkward for her to admit even secretly to herself that she had fallen in love with a man who would possibly never love her in return, but she consoled herself with the thought that no one would ever know, and she would bear no blame for this love, as long as it remained unspoken, even if it was her first and last love, and it went on for a lifetime.

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  • Author Leo Tolstoy
  • Quote

    But Nikolay was brimming with such innocent good humour that now and then even the husband fell prey to his exuberance. Towards the end of the evening, however, as the wife's face grew redder and livelier, the husband's grew steadily paler and sadder. It was as if they had been issued with a limited amount of vivacity between them, and as the wife's share of it rose, the husband's dwindled away.

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  • Author Amor Towles
  • Quote

    Thus did the typewriters clack through the night, until that historic document had been crafted which guaranteed for all Russians freedom of conscience (Article 13), freedom of expression (Article 14), freedom of assembly (Article 15), and freedom to have any of these rights revoked should they be “utilized to the detriment of the socialist revolution (Article 23)!

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  • Author Nadja Tolokonnikova
  • Quote

    Man skal først prøve at løse ethvert problem ved hjælp af kunsten og derefter alle mulige andre måder. Kunst er den bedste læge. Din personlige læge og samfundets læge.

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  • Author Knut Hamsun
  • Quote

    Den lange jærnbanereise har rystet sammen alle de forskjellige dele i vore hoder, det danser mange løse ting omkring derinde, vi kjører endnu; selv har jeg desuten et lite tillæg av mathet, av ubehag, feber. Det der må nok kureres med en bitte liten dram, sier jeg. Og så ser jeg min leilighet til å hælde kognak i et ølglass.

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  • Author Jennifer Laam
  • Quote

    As Michael spoke, a flourish of horns and maracas blasted over the speakers. The music made Veronica think of Havana in the fifties, before Fidel Castro. Men in Panama hats and women in slinky dresses enjoying decadent lives before Communism's proverbial hammer swung down. Just like tsarist Russia. For a moment, Veronica was back in the Russian dream world of ornate palaces and complicated love affairs.

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