130 Quotes About Russian-literature

  • Author Andrei Platonov
  • Quote

    In place of hope all that remained to him was endurance, and somewhere beyond the long sequence of nights, beyond the orchards that faded, blossomed, and perished once more, beyond all the people he had encountered and who had then passed on into the past, there existed his fated day-when he would have to take to his bed, turn his face to the wall, and pass away without being able to cry

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  • Author Osip Mandelstam
  • Quote

    Destroy your manuscript, but save whatever you have inscribed in the margin out of boredom, out of helplessness, and, as it were, in a dream. (The Egyptian Stamp)

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  • Author Mikhail Bulgakov
  • Quote

    -Не съществуват никакви теории! - крещях аз в пристъп на крайна самонадеяност, дори скърцах със зъби, и изведнъж съвсем неочаквано видях върху сивото си сако голямо мазно петно със залепнало парченце лук. Озърнах се безпомощно. От нощта нямаше и помен. Бомбардов угаси лампата и в синевата почнаха да се очертават всички предмети в цялото си безобразие. Нощта беше изядена, нощта си отиде.

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  • Author Mikhail Bulgakov
  • Quote

    Yes, man is mortal, but that would be only half the trouble. The worst of it is that he's sometimes unexpectedly mortal—there's the trick! And generally he's unable to say what he's going to do this same evening.

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  • Author Mikhail Bulgakov
  • Quote

    I believe!’ Margarita whispered solemnly. ‘I believe! Something will happen! It cannot not happen, because for what, indeed, has lifelong torment been sent to me? I admit that I lied and deceived and lived a secret life, hidden from people, but all the same the punishment for it cannot be so cruel…Something is bound to happen, because it cannot be that anything will go on for ever…

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  • Author Alexander Pushkin
  • Quote

    Young man! If my notes should fall into your hands, remember that the best and most enduring changes are those which stem from an improvement in moral behaviour, without any violent upheaval.

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  • Author Alexander Pushkin
  • Quote

    Such a beginning presaged nothing good. However, I lost neither courage nor hope. I turned to the consolation of all those in distress, and for the first time tasted the sweetness of prayer, poured forth from a pure but riven heart. I fell asleep serenely, unworried as to what was to become of me.

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  • Author Mikhail Lermontov
  • Quote

    ადამიანი რომ მეტს ფიქრობდეს, იგი დარწმუნდებოდა, რომ ცხოვრება იმად არ ღირს, მასზე ასე ბევრი ვიზრუნოთ...

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