130 Quotes About Russian-literature

  • Author Dostoyevsky
  • Quote

    Well, I maintain that we haven't one single Russian Socialist; there are none and there have never been, for all our Socialists are also landowners or divinity students. All our notorious and professed Socialists, both here and abroad, are nothing more than Liberals from the landed gentry of the serf-owning days.

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  • Author Leo Tolstoy
  • Quote

    Woman is deprived of rights from lack of education, and the lack of education results from the absence of rights. We must not forget that the subjection of women is so complete, and dates from such ages back that we are often unwilling to recognise the gulf that separates them from us.

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  • Author Orlando Figes
  • Quote

    There was much that was endearing in this strangely Russian search for absolutes —such as the passion for big ideas that gave the literature of nineteenth-century Russia its unique character and power—and yet the underside of this idealism was a badgering didacticism, a moral dogmatism and intolerance, which in its own way was just as harmful as the censorship it opposed.

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  • Author Dostojewski
  • Quote

    Und ich weiß jetzt, Sofia, daß, wer kräftig und stark ist an Geist und Verstand, daß der auch der Beherrscher der andern ist! Wer viel wagt, der ist nach ihrer Anschauung auch im Recht. Wer der Masse dreist entgegentritt, der gilt ihnen als Gesetzgeber, und wer mehr als alle andern wagt, der hat auch das allergrößte Recht! So ist das bisher gewesen, und so wird das immer sein! Man muß blind sein, um das nicht einzusehen!

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