132 Quotes About Sanctification
- Author Tom Payne
When we appear to be “more a loser than a victor” on the Path it is easy to lose sight of the fact that we are growing spiritually.
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- Author Lailah Gifty Akita
Nothing sanctifies like suffering.
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- Author J.C. Ryle
Most men hope to go to heaven when they die; but few, it may be feared, take the trouble to consider whether they would enjoy heaven if they got there. Heaven is essentially a holy place; it's inhabitants are all holy; it's occupations are all holy.
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- Author Sinclair B. Ferguson
When I am tempted and feel the power of sin and its tug on my affections, the gospel gives me something to say: 'Christ bled and died for this sin—I will therefore have nothing to do with it. I am now united to Christ by the indwelling of the Spirit—how can I drag him into my sin?
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- Author Rick Joyner
We do not want to have mercy for the things God has under judgment. We do not want to fall in the ditch on the otherside of unsanctified mercy.
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- Author Jen Wilkin
While legalism builds self-righteousness, lawfulness builds righteousness. Obedience to the law is the means of sanctification for the believer.
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- Author Watchman Nee
The author tells a story wherein a missionary friend of his was invited by unbelievers on a train ride to play cards. The friend declined, saying that he did not bring his hands with him. He explained to the astonished group that the hands attached to what they saw as his body belonged to the Lord, and he was thereby able to explain the Gospel.
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- Author Elisabeth Elliot
One does not surrender a life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime. Nor is surrender to the will of God (per se) adequate to fullness of power in Christ. Maturity is the accomplishment of years, and I can only surrender to the will of God as I know what that will is.
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- Author Martin Luther
To progress is always to begin always to begin again
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