132 Quotes About Sanctification
- Author David Powlison
Ministry unbalances truth for sake of relevance; theology rebalance truth for the sake of comprehensiveness
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- Author David Platt
As you call people to submit to the Person of Christ, you can trust the Spirit of Christ to lead them to salvation.
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- Author Augustine of Hippo
My soul is like a house, small for you to enter, but I pray you to enlarge it. It is in ruins, but I ask you to remake it. It contains much that you will not be pleased to see: this I know and do not hide. But who is to rid it of these things? There is no one but you.
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- Author Joe Thorn
Keep yourselves from idols." The warning isn't given to them because it wasn't a real danger or because there was an off chance someone might fall into idolatry. It was given because this is our root problem on any given day. It is what we, especially as followers of Jesus, must fight against.
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- Author Henry Hon
The Spirit in the believer's spirit penetrates and spreads throughout their whole inner being.
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- Author Ellen G. White
Sensual indulgence weakens the mind and debases the soul. The moral and intellectual powers are benumbed and paralyzed by the gratification of the animal propensities and it is impossible for the slave of passion to realize the sacred obligation of the Law of God, to appreciate the atonement, or to place right value upon the soul.
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- Author John Owen
a sense of the love of Christ in the cross; lie at the bottom of all true spiritual mortification
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- Author Watchman Nee
Man's thought is always of the punishment that will come to him if he sins. God's thought is always of the glory man will miss if he sins. God's purpose for redemption is glory, glory, glory.
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- Author John Wesley
Purge me from every sinful blot;My idols all be cast aside: Cleanse me from every evil thought,From all the filth of self and pride.The hatred of the carnal mind Out of my flesh at once remove:Give me a tender heart, resigned, And pure, and full of faith and love.
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